Thursday, December 10, 2009

Week 16: Best use of typography by me this semester

For this weeks final post I will be talking about, what in my opinion is the the best typography I have used all semester. For my example I choose this screen cap of a current project I am working on for my typography class involving the design of magazine spreads. My favorite part of the spread so far has to be the heading and sub head. Although they are in grey the do not seem boring to me at all (even against another gray background) and they convey the message that I want them to without being overly obvious. I hope to improve this project even more when I am done with it.

Week 15: Interesting/innovative typography found in Sharadin

This week I will be talking about Interesting / innovative type found in Kutztowns own Sharodin Arts Building. For This weeks example I choose a buisiness card that I created for a project in my typography class. Although I admit this card was defiantly not the best one of the many in my class, I find fondness when looking at it. It is very simple and clean and lets you know what you need to without the need for using obnoxious colors and ridiculous type to get the persons attention. There is even a little bit of an unintentional double meaning going on with the lines separating my first and last name (my middle name happens to start with a "T" so the lines do resemble the letter pretty closely.

Week 14- Interesting type on food Wrappers

This week I will be talking about interesting type I found on food items that I have recently eaten. For this weeks example I choose a jar of "jet-puffed" marshmallow creme. Although the logo type may be a little predictable in the fact that it looks like big marshmallows, it still never fails to make me want to eat it. So in that sense I think he logo works successfully. The big letters also make it easy to read, so when-ever I am in the kitchen looking for something to eat I will almost certainly pass by this jar, and end up having a little bit of marshmallow fluff.

Week 13- Type as art

For this weeks journal I will be talking about type as an art and how it can affect layouts. For this weeks example I choose a dollar bill; simple, but complex at the same time. Although much of the surface is covered by pictures the images would mean nothing without the type that accompanies them. Also the design as a whole would loose a lot of it's impact. Much of the type is too small to see in the picture, but it ornaments almost every-part of the bill. These subtle parts of the dollar are part of what give it its official look and feel.